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Jump the curve

December 22, 2022

Several organizations I have worked for, I would propose were somewhat behind the times.

In some cases, I would dare say even a decade behind with respect to technology, infrastructure, staff engagement, customer service, mindset and more.

It was not out of design or desire and not due to a lack of competence or motivation yet a factor of limited resources, hierarchy, organizational structure and even a lack of time and being short-staffed.

In such instances, great efforts can be made to catch-up and “get with the times.”

Yet consider, if you are already behind, by moving in the same way, would it be conceivable to ever catch-up?

For example, if you are at marker 5 and everyone is at marker 12 and somehow you are able to move 2 markers at a time while those at the front only move 1. It would take you over 10 years to catch-up provided you can move 2x as fast as everyone else.

Does this sound realistic given your current state and resources?

So then, if this is your predicament, what can you do?

In my perspective, there might only be one thing to do and that is jump the curve.

Get ahead by moving into a space that might truly be innovative for your organization.

And, by innovation I mean doing things that have never been done at all, or at least not done in your organization.

This does not mean small adjustments to the current state or slight improvement revisions.

For example, if you have long-term hourly employees, consider making everyone salaried versus paying them a bit more hourly.

If you already have a working from home policy for staff who can work from home, consider great flexibility for staff who can’t work from home.

Maybe a results-based approach would replace clocking-in and out.

Perhaps teams would make decisions that impact them instead of their supervisors giving directive and directions, and maybe the team chooses who leads them.

This would mean, the team is involved in all recruitment efforts.

Mistakes might be expected and even encouraged.

Encourage risk taking without requiring approvals for low-risk processes.

Recognition and praise become the norm, not the exception.

It all starts with trust, trust in all directions. If trust is not there, trust is what is worked on first.

Technology would be considered after you have ensured a great process is in place. When appropriate, the technology would be added to take the process to another level.

What transparent promises do you want to make to your clients and your staff and what will you do to keep your promise?

A new framework for a new reality of work is what is needed.

What factors do you want to consider?

Make a list, share it, ask others their perspective.

All of these places and ideas might seem scary which would be a great indication that you might be jumping the curve.

Jumping the curve is not meant to be a safe play, it is meant to challenge the status quo and guaranteed to ruffle some feathers.

Again, another indication you might be jumping the curve.

Look for that which is scary and that which might make some people uncomfortable to get a sense if you are in the right direction to jump.

The curve and your future state awaits.